Sunday, August 24, 2008

Keith Jason's 10 Random Thoughts

These are some random notes by my good friend Keith...this dude is so funny... if you like it, become a fan of his at :

1. I never knew that people took the lottery so serious...I walked into a gas station last Friday and there was a lady arguing with the man behind the counter because the Michigan Lottery people were prohibiting people from playing 8-8-8 on 8-8-08. She was furious because she couldn't play her numbers...

2. I was at the barber shop last week (Darrin Patterson is the BEST barber in YPSI hands down) and he had a spray can of Olive Oil... So I thought to myself what if pastors started anointing people with spray cans of olive oil like, "Psssssssssh, IN JESUS NAME!!!!"

3. I would like to congratulate a friend on their NEW JOB!!!!!!! God is faithful, I might make jokes and silly statements, but I don't play with the goodness of Jesus...

4. I lectured a Wayne State University last week, and you wanna talk about an "ah-ha" moment.... That was it for me... I really need to start my Ph.D. program so I can do it full time.

5. I read Mark 2:1-12 the other day and almost had to pick my brain up from off the floor, cuz God blew my mind.... Read it for yourself and then ask yourself.... 1. Am I surrounding myself with the type of friends that this paralytic man had? 2. Am I that type of friend to other people? WHOA!!!

6. I thank God for my God Brothers... I don't know where I would be without them jokaz...

7. My Cubbies are still 1st in the Division!!!!!!!!!! And we are almost half way through August....

8. I got a phone call from my wife saying that she got a phone call from the Dr. who said we NEED to talk to her about the ultrasound.... My wife couldn't make the call because she was at a training and couldn't talk long. So she asked me to make the call.... Let me tell you, there is no crazier feeling then the thought of something being wrong with your child... So I made the call, heard all she said, and the end of it is that lil'JOZEF is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But they wanted to share something with us about the ultrasound that they saw that wasn't anything serious, but just had to inform us cuz it was on the report.Talk about a relief....

9. My dad sent me an email the other day and said that he is going to vote for Barak Obama.... after I picked my jaw up off the floor, I couldn't even find words to type in a response.... My dad is a life long republican voter (along with a few other things) :-) I guess people really can change.....

10. Was waiting for the judge to bust Kwame's chops like..."Mr. Mayor, you didn't call me when you went to Canada. You didn't email me. And I mean, WE ALL KNOW YOU KNOW HOW TO SEND TEXT MESSAGES"I feel bad for the mayor, but that woulda been HILARIOUS!!!!

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