Monday, August 18, 2008


"If you havent come to terms with your past relationships, particularly with your parents, you will find yourself repeating those patterns." - John Maxwell

You know, in life it seems that if we dont pass the test the first time we are destined to take it over at some point in our life. TD Jakes put it this way; "The weeds and the flowers grow together". In other words, those things that we dont deal with now, will still be there when we step into our destiny.

This is sooo true when it comes to relationships.Do you know a girl who seems to be a serial dater? She constantly has a new man, then mysteriously the realtionships end and she is calling all men jerks? How about someone who always seems to have drama with their friends? Maybe you have that relative that you have to walk on egg shells around to keep from offending them. Do you know someone who is always "right", and talks down to others?

Realisticly, all of us have one of those traits to some degree.Its important for us to identify it, pray about it and then rid ourselves of that habbit. Ask God to show you where it comes from, where it began and how to stay away from it. Its important, because if you dont you will find yourself repeating the same relational pattern all through out life!
- The Hipster

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